Welcome to the COVID-19 Neuro Network, an international collaboration part of Brain Infections Global, led by the Liverpool Brain Infections Group from the University of Liverpool. The overall aim of Brain Infections Global is to improve the diagnosis of acute brain infections in adults and children in low and middle income countries (LMIC), to guide treatment and improve outcomes. We also work to develop and support research capacity among partners.

COVID Neuro meta-analysis - register your interest here.

The COVID Neuro Network is analysing pooled individual patient data to characterise the spectrum of neurological associations of COVID-19, determine factors that impact on outcome in cases with neurological features (including admission to intensive care, mortality and neurological sequelae), and look at risk factors for development of neurological disease in COVID-19. 

The findings from this new individual patient data meta-analysis will shape our understanding of COVID-19 and be used to inform clinicians, researchers and policymakers globally. We aim to collaboratively publish these findings rapidly.  

Talk 1. Intro to the work of Brain Infections Global and the COVID Neuro Network

Talk 2. The COVID Neuro Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis

Register with the network for free data collection resoucres

In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we have developed resources that enable data collection for patients with neurological complications of COVID-19, to support clinicians internationally. Please register with the network by completing the following form to receive access to these resources for free. Following registration, you will receive an email containing our case record form (CRF) and standardised case definitions, which you can use to collect data on your own patients. Through our network, we aim to standardise data collection and facilitate subsequent comparison and sharing of information, so that ultimately we strengthen the global COVID-19 research response. 

The COVID-19 Neuro Network is working in partnership with Coronerve, which is collecting UK data.

Other resources

Through the COVID-Neuro Resource we are also providing links to resources on the neurological aspects of COVID-19.

Watch the COVID-Neuro Network's webinar: Neurological disorders associated with COVID-19  |  Download the webinar report here