The Liverpool Neurological Diseases Course (NeuroID) has taken place every year in Liverpool since 2007, and has now trained more than 1000 delegates from 40 countries. Delivered by experts in the field, the course has been oversubscribed every year and a must for any clinicians of any specialty or grade who sees patients with neurological infectious diseases. 


The next in-person course in Liverpool, UK, will be held in June 2024.

For further details and to register your interest, click here: Liverpool Neurological Infectious Diseases Course




Liverpool Neurological Infectious Diseases Course

20 & 21 January 2021


DAY 1Day 1 Full Screen Video With Split Sessions

DAY 2Day 2 Full Screen Video With Split Sessions

Reference for Cryptic case 4 | Twin Lesions

Etuwewe O, Kulshrestha R, Sangra M, Riordan A. Brain abscesses due to Citrobacter koseri in a pair of twins. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2009 Nov;28(11):1035. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e3181b6b064. PMID: 19859021.